Saturday, 19 November 2011

St Maurice Black or White?

Had an excellent day at the Victoria and Albert museum Spotlight on the Diaspora  gave my St Maurice presentation twice. Met some lovely people. Here's the transcript of my talk.  The second time was a literally last minute, hurried affair, without my most important prop the image of Magdeberg's St Maurice  - given as the Victoria and Albert attendants were closing the museum down around us - for those who had missed the first.

All the Victoria and Albert staff were brillant very flexible , enthusiastic  and supportive made my presentation(s) go so well so, a big thanks to them all.

Apart from how well the idea that the Victoria and Albert's St Maurice was really black was aceppted - despite its apparent whiteness - and why. My other take away was VuVox billed as:

A Virtual Gallery in Four Pictures [from Spotlight on Africa and the Diaspora] [time] 13.30 – 16.30[venue] Digital Studio [Sackler Wing]Use your camera or one of ours to take your own creative photographs of your 4 favourite Spotlight objects.  Then upload your images and design your own virtual gallery with a story or captions. 

The result you see above - a cross between a collage, a video , a picture and a panorama - a VuVox aka collvidpicpan - the one above is my first attempt. I believe this to be a brilliant idea, much better more accessible, a creative alternative to Prezi, Apple's Keynote or Microsoft's PowerPoint for making web based presentations.

All in all a good day.

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